Saturday, May 1, 2010
a hatred of Women
Misogyny in the Gay Male Community will be discussed by a three-person panel including student, faculty, and community representation. By discussing the impact of heteronormative gender expectations, we will begin to dismantle myths surrounding identity, oppression, and misogyny. We will also identify tangible ways to become an ally.
Everyday leading up to this event, I will be sending out video clips of misogyny represented in media and pop culture through a gay male lens.
Think about it.
Talk about it.
Learn about it.
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Swirlz Article
I, myself, identify as a multiracial male that grew up in the South. Within this geographic arena I was constantly assaulted with questions about my identity. Being of a multiracial background, I fulfilled the stereotype that floats around in society that when two persons of different ethnic/racial backgrounds have children, their children will grow in a society where they will be confused and in a constant feeling of exclusion from their multifaceted background. I was constantly reminded that my brown skin marked me as Black, Egyptian, Cuban, and anything else that had a skin tone that parallels a coffee drink at a local Starbucks. And from my minority background, I always faced a constant competition of "realness" revolving around my racial identity. From this I learned that it isn’t exactly praised when one is of multiracial status.
Daily, I was confronted with the single praise that anyone of multiracial/national/ethnic background can see coming from a mile away – “What are you?” Many say that when this question is asked it is most commonly referring to ones ethnic makeup, but for the little boy of color in the suburbs of Tennessee all I heard was “You’re not a 'real' person". I became hyperaware of all my attributes that society shunned and I had to learn to love them quickly, because I thought that no one else would.
My life experiences have made me continually thankful for my multiracial background daily. It has allowed me to have a beautiful life journey, so far, where I am allowed to experience so many environments. Growing up people always worried that I and my sister were going to be "confused" about our identities and face discrimination. I will not argue that we did not face discrimination, but however I will argue that confusion isn't something I experienced, personally. Awareness is a better word for this feeling, and I am thankful for being allotted that quality. I was aware of what people truly thought of me, I was aware on how I felt about this treatment, and I most importantly became aware of what I can do to make myself happy.
Children of multiracial or biracial backgrounds should not always be spoken to with empathy and concern, because behind that beautiful skin tone is a person who is unique, beautiful, and most importantly aware, and that will take them as high in life as they can ever imagine.
Friday, April 23, 2010
Wonder Twin Power Activate: When White Privilege and Racism Made Profiling Legal in Arizona
As you have noticed, this blog is not going to be one of my “finely” manicured articles, but yet something that will be therapeutic for moi. Let me summarize before I start yelling via keyboard again.
Today, Arizona Governor Jan Brewer signed one of the harshest immigration laws EVER known as SB 1070. This law will make it legal for police to detain anyone that they suspect is not a citizen. If the “immigrant” in question does not have the proper paperwork showing that they are A.) a citizen or B.) have the proper clearance to be in this country, than they are subject to deportation.
So, lets put this in laymen redneck terms – Bob the sheriff can harass any brown person that walks in his sight and if he get’s “lucky”, he can send their ass back to where they “came from” and keep America safe! (Because we all know Mexicans, which if you haven’t guess are the reason for this bill – not White Canadians, are drug pushing criminals.)
I am just confused when someone built a time capsule and transported us back to 1950. When is it ever right to stop someone who is doing NOTHING wrong and question there citizenship???? Don’t we live in some damn melting pot that has every flavor from the world, which mean’s America doesn’t theoretically have people here that can be “suspected is not a citizen”. We don’t have a poster child for citizen…OH WAIT! We do….
If someone ever asks me what white privilege means again I am going to say, “Go read SB 1070”. Why is this White Privilege one may ask – well call me when you see an Arizona police officer pull-over a White family in a Benz and then we can have a discussion on how I am wrong.
This is one of the most blatantly racist and xenophobic things that have passed through legislature in a long time. Immigration “problems” are up for debate, but this doesn’t not solve anything! Ok, so yes you find some illegal immigrants, what does that do to stop anyone from crossing the border? Nothing. Zilch. Nada.
SO let’s all engage our critically thinking skills. If this doesn’t stop people from crossing our border than what does it do? Well, it reinforces racist hegemonic ideas that Latinos are immigrants and subject to deportation because “you take all of our jobs”, and helps perpetuate the Racist/Xenophibc ideals of American Society. This is Nazism. The Republican Party tries to call Pres. Obama Hitler, but I think they need to read up on a little thing called projecting. Why is this Nazism? Well, because we are allowing State Governments to pass bills that are calling the harassment and hopeful expulsion of any brown person walking down the street. Kicking people out of country + racism – genocide = Hitler v1.2.
I am walking away from this post right now…I will come back later to do a more educated and focused attempt of articulating my dislike towards Arizona another day.
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Gender Dynamics in Glee by Activist Mason Strand
I am constantly absolutely shocked by the TV show Glee. I know people have a love-fest with this show, but is anyone actually paying attention to ANY of the messages the show is putting out there? I'll use just the episode that was on tonight to point out a few things that are ongoing in the show.
Firstly, almost every single female character in the show is painted in a negative light; most of the time as scheming and manipulative (although, they are always, inevitably, outsmarted by the men). The one exception to this is Emma, the germophobic school counselor, who is painted as pure, a fact that was highlighted tonight when we found out she's a virgin. Anvil, meet head. She also further proved her purity in her willingness to step aside and put Will's happiness in front of her own, a good, womanly quality that his bitchy wife consistently failed to show.
Contrast this with Sue, possibly one of the most complex and interesting women on the show. Yes, she is the villain, but I feel fairly confident in saying that everyone who watches the show loves her. She's offensive and outlandish and masculine to boot. She is painted as comical, and I would suspect that, given the writer (and his history of writing awful female characters), she was not meant to be likable, but she comes off as a strong and somewhat relatable female character nonetheless. In fact, I might even say that I'm beginning to hate Mr. Shue as much as she does. This doesn't make her perfect - the rape joke with the principal was decidedly unfunny (because rape jokes are always unfunny and people really need to stop making them), as was the comment she made to the boy with the ponytail which I'm not going to dignify by repeating, but her standing up to the men in the show, even though we know she can't win because the men ALWAYS win, morally and physically, on this show, is still fun and somewhat inspiring to watch
Moving on to one of the men, tonight Finn was dealing with some of the fallout from his breakup with Quinn, and was feeling rather low. Luckily, Mr. Shue was able to come to the rescue, and continue his ongoing father-figure mentorship of showing Finn how to be a man. Tonight, this included helping him to find his "inner rockstar" (which, I'm sorry but that boy is the furthest thing from Mick Jaggar I've ever seen) and, as his ensuing Rolling Stones song showed, realize that all of the girls at the school are sexually available to him, if he would just open his eyes to that fact. His masculinity thus restored, Finn felt back to his old self, and ready to dump dorky Rachael and date two cheerleaders at once. Of course, this didn't go quite as planned - this being Glee, the girls turn out to be bitchy and backstabbing toward Rachael, a fact that poor sweet Finn can't tolerate (even though he just dumped her), and has to reprimand them for. Point being, obviously women are catty to one another all the time, and can't actually be friends with one another, whereas men are cool headed, and must inform these emotional creatures of the proper way to act.
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Conservatives Heart Rape
I know, I know…breathe…just breathe. Let’s dissect the many layers of misogyny, racism, and victim blaming from this disgusting piece.
Another tool in play in this piece is racism. Racism is something that the Republican right are far too close of friends with, and they are even better friends with Racism’s brother…subtle racism. Historically, Black men have been depicted as the over-eroticized sexual beings that react animalistically in sexual arenas. This dates back to slavery, when White women would have sexual relations with Black men, and once caught would blame it on rape or sexual assault. This is not, however, stripping women of their validity within sexual assault, and also I am not perpetuating the false idea that circulates through the world that women call false rape. The historic events that I mentioned above arose from a society that did not allow for interracial relationships to occur, and people were punished greatly. People were using Black people as scapegoats for wanting to express themselves sexually. In any case, historically Black men have been painted as highly aggressive sexual beings. So, the rape analogies continually being used in reference to Pres. Obama’s Health Care reform shows an obvious reliance on racist ideals that developed through slavery. I find it disgusting and extremely inappropriate that society cannot recognize the language they are using towards a man of color and not be aware of the racist undertones. This goes back to Biden’s comments on how “well-spoken” Pres. Obama is and all of the other comments thrown around in 2007-2008. Subtle racism is something that is being thrown at the President like candy in a parade, but no one is checking to see if it is laced with anything.
At the end of this little “masterpiece” we see that the cartoonist cannot stop kicking a horse when it is down, “Get yourself cleaned up. I’ll be back ----CapNTrade, Immigration Reform, whatever. And I’ll bring friends.” Skrrrrrrrrrrr! Hold – on, what? The cartoon is threatening, no, actually, promising to come back and gang rape Lady Liberty? With the icing now on the cake, the cartoon decides to again throw in a few sprinkles of racism with the Immigration reform bill. When many Americans think of immigration, thanks to media representation and the Conservative Right, many now automatically think of “Mexicans” or Latinos. So, what the cartoonist has done is perpetuated another racist ideal about minorities being aggressive and sexually uncontrollable. Tisk. Tisk.
My question for the day is, when will people learn that sexual assault is not something to use for the butt of their jokes, or the punch line in their comedic performance to further oppress people? Rape is not funny, gang rape is not funny, and perpetuating harmful ideals about minorities is not funny. What is funny is how ignorant this cartoonist must be to think that this is appropriate or even acceptable to produce. This cartoon is just another coal in the fire of sexism, which burns just as brightly as it did before Pres. Obama “raped” Lady Liberty, and obviously before Pres. Bush destroyed our economy…but my rant on sexism and capitalism is another blog. For this to end, we as a collective need to call out the racism, misogyny, and victim blaming and bring it to the forefront of our national narrative. People need to understand that sexual assault is never the victim’s fault, and it isn’t a tool to punish someone. To play off a famous quote from feminist ideals, “The personal is political.” I would like to propose another version of this, “The personal is rape.”
Friday, March 26, 2010
William Eggleston
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
My Inspiration
While viewing the short documentary "Targeted Citizens", I knew that I needed to do this blog. If not to educate and get people's minds thinking, but just for my own personal sanity.
I hope you enjoy my inspiration.
This is "Targeted Citizens"courtesy of Vimeo
Targeted Citizen - English from Adalah on Vimeo.