I know, I know…breathe…just breathe. Let’s dissect the many layers of misogyny, racism, and victim blaming from this disgusting piece.
Another tool in play in this piece is racism. Racism is something that the Republican right are far too close of friends with, and they are even better friends with Racism’s brother…subtle racism. Historically, Black men have been depicted as the over-eroticized sexual beings that react animalistically in sexual arenas. This dates back to slavery, when White women would have sexual relations with Black men, and once caught would blame it on rape or sexual assault. This is not, however, stripping women of their validity within sexual assault, and also I am not perpetuating the false idea that circulates through the world that women call false rape. The historic events that I mentioned above arose from a society that did not allow for interracial relationships to occur, and people were punished greatly. People were using Black people as scapegoats for wanting to express themselves sexually. In any case, historically Black men have been painted as highly aggressive sexual beings. So, the rape analogies continually being used in reference to Pres. Obama’s Health Care reform shows an obvious reliance on racist ideals that developed through slavery. I find it disgusting and extremely inappropriate that society cannot recognize the language they are using towards a man of color and not be aware of the racist undertones. This goes back to Biden’s comments on how “well-spoken” Pres. Obama is and all of the other comments thrown around in 2007-2008. Subtle racism is something that is being thrown at the President like candy in a parade, but no one is checking to see if it is laced with anything.
At the end of this little “masterpiece” we see that the cartoonist cannot stop kicking a horse when it is down, “Get yourself cleaned up. I’ll be back ----CapNTrade, Immigration Reform, whatever. And I’ll bring friends.” Skrrrrrrrrrrr! Hold – on, what? The cartoon is threatening, no, actually, promising to come back and gang rape Lady Liberty? With the icing now on the cake, the cartoon decides to again throw in a few sprinkles of racism with the Immigration reform bill. When many Americans think of immigration, thanks to media representation and the Conservative Right, many now automatically think of “Mexicans” or Latinos. So, what the cartoonist has done is perpetuated another racist ideal about minorities being aggressive and sexually uncontrollable. Tisk. Tisk.
My question for the day is, when will people learn that sexual assault is not something to use for the butt of their jokes, or the punch line in their comedic performance to further oppress people? Rape is not funny, gang rape is not funny, and perpetuating harmful ideals about minorities is not funny. What is funny is how ignorant this cartoonist must be to think that this is appropriate or even acceptable to produce. This cartoon is just another coal in the fire of sexism, which burns just as brightly as it did before Pres. Obama “raped” Lady Liberty, and obviously before Pres. Bush destroyed our economy…but my rant on sexism and capitalism is another blog. For this to end, we as a collective need to call out the racism, misogyny, and victim blaming and bring it to the forefront of our national narrative. People need to understand that sexual assault is never the victim’s fault, and it isn’t a tool to punish someone. To play off a famous quote from feminist ideals, “The personal is political.” I would like to propose another version of this, “The personal is rape.”
Via Facebook
ReplyDeleteYou can't judge all conservatives by some extreme viewpoints. Radical liberals can be ridiculous too
I do agree, but I was commenting on this consistent usage of rape as metaphors by the Conservative Media outlets and some politicians. But, during my article I stop using the conservatives as a punching bag and talk about society as a whole.
ReplyDeleteVia Facebook
ReplyDeleteYour right about the manner in which black men were portrayed historically but to say opposition to healthcare is due to racism is quite the stretch. I don't see how the cartoonist bringing up cap and trade or immigration stems from racism either, and no way was their intention to portray latinos as sexually aggressive. The use of the term rape is not a conservative obsession, I'm you sure you all have heard the terms "raping the land, trees, earth" ect. As well as rape analogies employed towards capitalistic enterprises, and these are not coming from conservative or republican individuals. The cartoonist is disagreeing with the manner in which policies are being advanced and implemented and the use of the rape analogy is instead a play straight out of the liberal book.
First, I am not stating racism is being used to oppose the health care reform. I am showing the racism within the piece, which is unarguable. Race does factor into this bill just like any bill; race, class, gender all intersect and play roles in any piece a legislature that's being passed.
ReplyDeleteSecond, the "obsession" I am specifically talking about is the consistent usage of rape as a metaphor in the discussion on health care reform over the past few weeks. What I am trying to bring up in this piece is that we as a society use sexual assault as a joke, or as something to verbalize an argument. This is extremely insensitive. Rape should never be used in this matter, just like someone wouldn't say that "the healthcare reform is lynching society". Another thing is that this piece is TRULY disturbing showing a women crying after being raped by the president. Sexual assault isn't something that should be exploited in any manner.
Thirdly, the immigration part I feel was a blow below the belt to immigrants because the cartoonist is using them in a sentence where the President is promising to come back and gang rape Lady Liberty. I feel that this perpetuates stereotypes about many minorities who are immigrating. Even if you do not feel that this was tied to racist intent, the gang rape part is in now way acceptable.