Tuesday, March 23, 2010

The Adalah

Within our contemporary moment, I find the world to be.....disappointing, to say the least.

It is a place that thrives on patriarchy, militarianism, and the dehumanization of people to make a quick buck. It's a world in which "civil rights" have become synonymous with equal rights or human rights.

In our contemporary moment, people are confined to what is portrayed as "normal", and are shunned our tokenized when they explore themselves creatively, sexually, or spiritually. Within our world, binaries echo through the mountains, the sky is painted in heterosexism, and the groundwork laid with misogyny.

Our world is a battlefield.

Within the space that is allotted through this piece of viral real estate, I will explore current and past social topics that I find worthy of discussing. Topics that deal with the intersectionality of race, class, sexuality, and gender will be discussed and dissected. This blog will hopefully anger many, attack some, but above all else, it will hopefully allow for self-reflection to occur. I believe that for anything to be truly substantial it requires a time of self-reflection for one to truly grasp the shear importance or lack of importance in whatever has happened.

"Service without reflection is just work." - St. Vincent DePaul

The name of this medium for discussion is "The Adalah", adalah meaning "justice" in Arabic. My intention for naming it this was to set up the mission of this site, which is fighting for justice, and by using the Arabic word for "justice" I was inviting a sense of transnational discussion to occur through this blog.

I hope you enjoy...

In solidarity,

Zachary J. Stafford


  1. Let's talk about how I love your first post. This is extremely well-written! With the exception of your one typo! LOL Webster in the house!!

  2. I am a FAN! I was before and I will continue to be. I have a friend who is writing & close to publishing "The Future Testament" that speaks to the topics you are starting to address here. When it comes out, I will let you know. I know you will be very interested in it. Enjoy the journey of your life!
